Why Study in The United Kingdom?

Program Categories

Eligibility for Foundation Program

Eligibility for Bachelor Admission.

Eligibility for Post Graduate Diploma Admission/ Advance Certificate.

Eligibility for Masters Admission.

Eligibility for Visa

All intending Visa applicants that want to study in the United Kingdom must be able to demonstrate a proof of financial resources to cover cost of first year of stay in United Kingdom through Bank statement of Accounts:


  1. £1,334 monthly (for up to 9 months) for within London (this includes schools in the Greater London area and all the London boroughs). This means that you need to show £1,334 * 9 for your upkeep in your bank statement.
  2. £1,023 monthly (for up to 9 months) for outside London. This means that you need to show £1,023*9 for your upkeep.
  3. Your bank statement or your parents bank statement to show your funds (outstanding tuition fees + monthly upkeep up to 9 months).
  4. The money must be kept in the account for 28 days before application; the end of the 28 days must not be older than 31 days before your application.
  5. The only family members that can sponsor you (give you their bank account statement to use) are
  6. your parents or legal guardian.
  7. If using your parents’ account(s), you need your birth certificate which has your parents’ name as your parents to prove your relationship to them.
  8. If using your guardian’s statement, you need to include court document appointing the person as your guardian. This guardian must have been appointed by the court when you were below 18 years.


Cost and Expenses

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